Monday, 27 May 2019

Acoustic Wood Panels in Australia for a Stylish Performance

Reduce echo and unwanted noise

Halls, auditoriums  and theatres  are specifically designed with good acoustics in mind. Special attention is given to the clarity of speech, music, and quality of the sound communicated to an audience. However, sometimes the design is inadequate for the activities in such spaces. Some spaces may even be used for purposes for which they were not designed at all - older,multi-purpose school halls are a good example. In either case, an outstanding stage performance, or speech, can suffer if the acoustics of the hall or auditorium are not appropriate. Acoustics can be a lot worse when multiple sound sources are happening, such as at a conference or a discussion group venue. 
However, with modern high performance acoustic panels like Sontext's Murano wood panels, performance spaces can be effectively acoustically treated, so that an audience can hear and appreciate voices, instruments, etc, with clarity. 
Sontext Murano wood panels Australia
are available with surface finishes such as rich natural wood veneers, decorative laminates, as well as gloss and matte paint finishes

Acoustic Wood Panels

Wood Panels in general may impart a stylish, beautiful finish to a space, but they cannot act as effective sound absorbers unless the panels are perforated to allow sound to pass through into an absorbing medium installed behind. Sontext achieves this by manufacturing Murano acoustic wood panels with perforations, grooves or slots machined onto the face in numerous decorative patterns. These perforations can be micro-sized - small enough to be almost invisible  from a distance - yet still provide excellent sound absorption. Sontext Murano Ceiling wood panels Australia are an ideal way to reduce echo, dampen noise and maximise performance and speech quality.